The Beast of Renald (The Northern Knights) Read online

Page 9

  He would have lots of questions and they came as she suspected, quickly.


  ‘Whose child is he?’

  The tight ball she’d carried all these years unwound and the words poured out of her like a dam. She blamed it on the stressful events of the past few days and on the passion they had just shared. Her emotions were jumbled and she was too relaxed to be rational about anything. This time she needed a different kind of release.

  ‘Halvard had only one child of his loins from his first of three wives. The child died by some ailment before his tenth summer had come to pass. He is the son of Lord Halvard’s second wife, my cousin, Helen. I have been with Kelbie since the day he left her womb and I am the only mother he knows.’ Caroline took in deep breaths and waited. He was quiet for so long.

  ‘Tell me all of it and leave nothing out,’ he growled next to her. He rose up just enough to remove his tunic over his head, and then he laid back, his body stiff next to her, with a hand to his brow.

  She glanced at his bare chest. Sweat beaded on the sparse hairs in the middle and across his taut and muscled stomach. Caroline swallowed and looked away.

  ‘It-It-is rather confusing. Lord Halvard is - is not Kelbie’s father. Kelbie’s father is the cousin that came with the king today. Cedric.’ She shuddered with a pause, waiting and held back from saying as you well know. She knew he’d known, yet he said naught and she went on, ‘Lord Halvard made Helen and I promise to hold the secret or death would visit our door.’ She shook with the memory of how hard he had beaten them both that night until they had agreed to more of his evil and sick lies.

  Darc looked at her then. ‘Who knows of this now?’

  She pulled her shift down over her nakedness and his eyes followed her movements, causing a flush to come to her cheeks.

  ‘Just me. Helen took the horrible secret to her grave days after the birthing.’

  ‘Let me make sure I have this aright. Cedric is unaware that the child is his?’

  ‘Aye! But, I think he suspects it. Kelbie has begun to look just like him.’ Again she bit her lip from telling him she knew he knew this. ‘I fear this is what caused the bloodshed the week before the Nor- you and the king came and…and why he is after me.’ She looked at him then; his narrowed gaze told her they were thinking the same thing.

  She had not meant to reveal that part of it. But now that she had, Caroline was glad. She wrung her hands nervously in her lap. Had she done the right thing? She found herself looking away from his intense gaze and she knew he was aware she had not told him all of it. To her surprise, he did not question her further.

  Darc rose and walked naked over to one of the large tables across the room where a basin sat filled with water. He came back to the bed with it and a swathe of linen cut for use as a towel.

  ‘He is too late. You are under my protection now. There is naught he can do. You and the boy have nothing to fear from anyone. Do not ever lie to me again.’ He warned her as he dipped the cloth into the lukewarm water and turned to her. ‘Lie back so I can wash you.’

  He ignored her horrified and embarrassed gasp. But she spread her thighs and he wiped his seed and virgin blood from her thighs. ‘You were virgin.’ he stated quietly, so quiet she had to strain to hear him.

  Caroline did not understand why he was so angry again. Her brows dipped as she tried to focus on something else whilst he touched her. ‘Aye,’ she choked out.

  ‘You were married for years.’ he remarked coolly.

  Her own anger and bewilderment caused her voice to rise. ‘Aye. I was.’ She’d not known he would’ve discovered the truth once he’d taken her. She had heard of plenty of men bedding women and not being aware they’d bedded a virgin. Guess her screaming had given it away too.

  ‘Did you love Halvard?’

  ‘Nay.’ She answered quickly, the bile rising up at the mere thought to lodge in her throat and she shot him an odd look. Why was he asking her about this? ‘Did you love your wife?’ she threw back at him.

  ‘Aye. For a time.’

  His answer stung and Caroline wished she had not asked. She lowered her eyes to the rush covered floor.

  The memories of the cruel years with Lord Halvard came flooding back and she continued her tone full of disgust. He did not deserve to be called lord any longer.

  ‘Halvard was not much of a man. He overindulged in many things that caused him to lack in many others.’ Her shame was out and she did not care. ‘He had not been capa- Well, he was incapable of completing the act.’

  And he had tried several times and in many different ways. Aye, she’d suffered at the end of his fists and other forms of abuse for his failed attempts, but she’d preferred to suffer that than suffer through his pole inside her. She ended, ‘He suffered great perversions that I cared not to share.’

  ‘What sort of perversions?’

  ‘Ones that caused pain, humiliation and- and-‘ Caroline’s bravery slipped and her voice cracked as her body shuddered at the memories. She had never spoken the words aloud before now and upon hearing them something changed inside her.

  She had been so ashamed.

  The embarrassment had been so great she’d not shared the intimate details with anyone. But then again there had been no one to share them with. It was bad enough she’d suffered the looks and stares from Halvard’s men and could’ve only imagined the tales the man had told to boast of his actions in their chamber, even though the cries his men heard had been from him hitting her. They would believe whatever their lord told them. He had always struck below the neck, areas covered by clothing to further cover the nightmare she endured. Her clothes hid the real truth.

  Caroline twisted her lips. ‘My only regret…Word quickly reached me that he took to the servant girls throughout the day…no matter where and whose eyes were upon them.’

  ‘You need not say anymore, Caroline. Many are like that.’

  ‘Even so, it does not make it right.’

  ‘Nay, it does not. Though I disagree with the actions and behavior of some men, nevertheless, it is a common occurrence.’

  Darc noted the faraway look in her eyes and knew she was remembering things he would not press her more about now. Her body had gone rigid under his touch. He lowered his eyes back to his task. ‘Halvard was rather wealthy.’

  Caroline was startled and glad for the abrupt change of subject. She loosed a deep breath of relief that he had not delved deeper with his queries on Halvard's cruelty or how she had come to be married to him.

  The clenching of his jaw told her he did not like what she'd revealed thus far. ‘Aye. ‘Tis the only reason for Cedric’s appearance after all this time. To have married me as the widow, he would’ve gained all Halvard’s ill-gotten gains. ‘Twas no secret they hated one another just as much as they relied on one another. Still, they wished the other dead. Had Halvard not died by a Norman sword he would have by Cedric’s. ‘Twas only a matter of time. Halvard was smart and cunning as he was devious. I believe he was aware of what had gone on betwixt Helen and Cedric. Upon seeing Kelbie, I do not know what Cedric might have done.’

  ‘Aye, for the lad would have inherited before us Normans came along and you were forced to marry me. We will discuss more of this on the morrow and I shall have the whole truth, Caroline.’

  She started to protest over his tone, but his arched brow gave her pause. Deep down she had known he was aware she had held back some truth and that he would press her more later. When, she did not know. But his eyes burning into hers told her he would not forget. Even then, she did not think she would be able to bear the true retelling. Getting through what she had just revealed had been hard enough and her insides still shook from it. The tremors were not just from the passion he’d stoked and that had shattered her every fiber into a million pieces. There was too much at stake.

  Darc would interrogate Cedric later and discover his true intent. He knew there was more to this than what she’d let slip. There w
as much she had left out. How was it she had managed to keep the boy out of Cedric’s sight? At first he’d not wanted to know anything about her. Her past was the past. But now, he needed to know.

  What was Cedric’s truly after? Aye, Cedric had appeared and surrendered too easily.

  The man wanted to be here and Darc was determined to find out why especially after the look he had given his wife in the hall. All would reveal itself in due course. He had another matter at hand right now.

  His soft ministrations were not only distracting her, but affected him. Her soft pants filled the room and his own breath had increased.

  Caroline bit her lip, embarrassed over the sounds coming from the back of her throat. His touch had stirred that fiery passion inside her again. She wanted him and she moved to close her thighs, but he stopped her.

  ‘Nay.’ He moved closer between her thighs. ‘Are you in any pain?’

  ‘Nay,’ she said softly and her gaze dropped to his thickness jutting up between them. His nakedness and muscled body made her mouth go dry and her body ache. His cool fingers caressed her bare bottom and she squirmed against him.

  ‘I am sorry that I hurt you. Had I known you were untouched I would have been... I would have taken more care with you.’

  Caroline, shocked by his words, met his gaze warily and saw he spoke the truth. They had just shared the most intimate act between man and woman. Even with the horror that had brought them together still lingering with unsettled emotions around them, she could not deny that the joining of their bodies had been more than pleasant. It was downright sinful the way she felt and was feeling once again. There was no denying that her body ached for the Norman’s touch.

  He was not Halvard. He had not beaten her and had been more than capable of completing the act. And she flushed over the fact that a part of her was glad he had.

  The scar on the side of his face drew her eyes there. Nor had he truly acted the beast he’d been branded. Aye, he’d been rough in the beginning, but had changed and his gentle strokes had made their coming together a blissful experience for her. The beast could be gentle. She still need practice caution, she warned herself but would do so after tonight.

  Tonight, let him think her wanton, she did not care. He had stoked a fire in her and she scooted her bottom closer to his length, ‘I notice that you are roused again. Would you like to kiss me?’

  So she liked his kisses and he forced himself to admit he enjoyed hers too. Darc almost smiled, but he could not allow it even though he felt it inside. Though she had been a virgin, he knew she’d not told him everything. He would find out more as he promised on the morrow, right now he was too distracted. He gripped the ends of her chemise. ‘Remove this.’

  He helped her. He needed to feel her skin against his.

  She did look pleasing to him, lying there, open and ready to receive him. His first assumption on her looks had been incorrect. She was a handsome woman.

  He had only planned to do her once and leave her be. But as her wet heat brushed over his the tip of his hard length, he growled, and wrapped his hand around the thick shaft and moved it up and down her swollen and slick cleft. She threw her head back and screamed.

  Darc was glad no one shared this end of the hall with him. For his Saxon bride was quite loud.

  And hungry for him.

  She moved against him and he continued his movements, not entering her. Her wetness coated his hand and shaft.

  ‘Caroline.’ Was all he said and she leaned up for his searing kiss. She kissed him back with as much ardor as he gave her. He felt the tremors start in her and she broke their kiss to drop her head against his shoulder.

  She shouted, ‘Now!’

  Darc surged into her so he could feel her come undone around him. Another loud wanton cry of pleasure escaped from between her parted lips. After a few wild, short and deep strokes he withdrew and spilled his seed.


  Darc carried her after she had fallen asleep back to her chamber at the end of the hall. Her slim fingers curled into the collar of his tunic and her silky hair spilled over his arm. He stared down at her for a moment as he stood next to her bed.

  Then, he went into the next room and returned with a sleeping Kelbie and laid the little boy in the crook of her back. As he straightened, she turned over and pulled the boy against her chest in her sleep. Darc did crack a half smile then for a brief moment. She fretted for a moment in her sleep and he frowned. Then she was quiet.

  He grunted. His dark visage back in place. So much had transpired in the past few hours. If Halvard still lived, he would enjoy killing the man again for the abuse he'd wrought upon these two.

  The pair looked strange to him lying on the bed and his brows knitted with rising frustration. It had been well over six years since a woman other than his servants had stayed under his roof.

  Why could it not have been under normal circumstances that he had taken her for a bride? The passion he had shared with her and the ease of talking with her this night was just a glimpse of what could have been. Or what might be possible if he let it.

  Nay! He would not think of it. He would protect her and the boy. Nothing more.

  Night turned to the first streaks of dawn by the time Darc rode back toward the castle. The night ride had not rid his mind of the thoughts of Caroline. The woman was trying to get under his skin. The questions, her talkativeness, how she had gone on irritated him. He grunted. Nay, he lied to himself; a part of him had enjoyed her talkativeness. Was it truly that or was it the ease he’d had in responding to not only her questions but to the demands of her luscious body?

  Or was it the sweet regret he’d experienced in not letting himself spill his seed inside her? Nay, on that he would not relent. He could not allow himself to have a child of his loins with her. Despite what William had expected about his future.

  It would destroy him. He would not be able to bear it.

  He was more than glad neither Halvard nor Cedric had touched her. She was all his.

  Cedric’s gaze came back to him. He would kill the man if he thought to touch her. Growling under his breath, Darc called out to his hounds and rode on harder.

  God’s wounds! She was already under his skin.

  He blamed it on his loneliness, the void in his heart, that burning and unforgiving hole he had thought he’d disemboweled long ago.

  His two friends had wed and seemed blissfully happy.

  Dare he hope it would be different this time? Nay.

  He needed to stop thinking with his rod and focus on ridding himself of these old and new headaches and leave them behind.

  Cedric. Raven. Her.

  As he passed one part of the village, something drew his attention. He goaded Gray closer to make sure he was seeing what he thought he was seeing. Darc had his answer before he was upon it for the mastiffs were barking and howling up a storm into the disappearing star-filled sky.

  Voices and a group quickly formed from the village behind the gate and he made a path through his mastiffs and gave them the signal to quiet. Leaning down, he felt the rage build within him.

  Three bodies, faces of serfs he recognized, lay piled on top of one another, their throats slit. Two men and a woman.

  Darc stood abruptly and a headache formed. He turned and looked over the whispering crowd.

  ‘Stay!’ he ordered his dogs and walked over to the gate near the village. He spotted his blacksmith. The tall broad shouldered gray-haired man peered over his shoulder.

  ‘My lord, what has happ-‘ the smithy’s words trailed off when he spotted the dead trio.

  Darc motioned for his dogs to back up further. The mastiffs moved back, but growled all the while. He did not want hysteria among the crowd until he spoke with the blacksmith and priest.

  A low hum of mournful song rippled through the gathered villagers which set his hounds to louder howling. He gave the order for all to return to their homes and his dogs quieted.

  He had a few
men go get blankets to cover the dead. The bodies would need to be taken care of after their families were told and a blessing given from the priest.

  The blacksmith’s wife returned with the Reeve and a priest by her side. The priest’s gasp of horror was hushed under Darc’s glower and he immediately bent and gave rites to the murdered and lost souls.

  Darc’s temper gripped him as he bent and helped the men cover the bodies. There would be hell to pay for this crime against his people when he found out who was behind the heinous act.

  He spoke with the Reeve for a few moments to double the guard, question the villagers before his eyes scanned the village.

  Serfs would be coming back out to start their day. Halvard’s people had seemed to have settled in easily enough with the other Saxon serfs and the few Norman cottagers. Had a spate of bad blood amongst these people led to this?

  A feeling of something far worse stole its way into Darc’s gut. He ignored it and sucking in a hard pressed breath, he mounted Gray. His mastiffs shot off ahead of him as he headed back toward the castle in a brisk gallop.


  Caroline woke to find Laur removing Kelbie from the bed and she took her son back from the arms of the servant. Disappointment settled over the servant’s wrinkled face and Caroline felt a twinge of regret.

  Laur clasped her hands behind her back. ‘Do you care for a maid to help you with your bath?’

  Caroline looked around her and was elated to see a hot bath awaited her by the hearth. ‘What of the woman I asked my husband about? Mildred?’

  ‘She is due to settle in by noon, my lady. But I can send up another girl.’

  Caroline hadn’t believed there were that many to go around until after she’d seen the many servant girls during the king’s visit. Still, she was embarrassed and used to bathing on her own, she declined.